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Title: Placing the Decameron (formally titled  'Revisiting the Decameron')

Dates: 2021 - 2024

Chief Investigator: Shaun Wilson

Host: Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, Australia


Description: Reconfiguring the places of storytelling in Boccaccio's The Decameron through allegorical landscape painting to reflect both The Black Plague from the time of The Decameron to COVID-19 in the present.



Title: Design and Home Movies

Dates: 2021-2022

Chief Investigator: Shaun Wilson

Funding: Regional Arts Victoria

Original film sources: Tony Barbone, Peter Wilson

Host: ACMI-x [Australian Centre for the Moving Image] and School of Design, RMIT University
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press

Description: Re-imaging aspects of vintage home movies through video art from captured histories of urban and regional Victoria. The wider research will contribute to the new monograph book to be published by Amsterdam University Press.



Title: The 51 Paintings Suite (2006-2024)

Chief Investigator: Shaun Wilson

Funding: Arts Victoria (2008), The Australia Council for the Arts (2010), ERGAS Collection acquisition funds (2007)

Description: Representing the re-imaging of poses from characters located in various historical paintings into slow cinema artefacts

Collections: ERGAS Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Historical Archives of Contemporary Art, Venice Biennale

Title: Nonsense Machines (ongoing)

Chief Investigator: Shaun Wilson

Support: Melbourne Design Week 2018 presented by the National Gallery of Victoria and MARS Gallery

Description: Demonstrating failed experiments from climate change denial through miniatures


Title: Migrants, Home Movies and Place: The Journey to Australia as Topographical Domestic Cinema

Author: Shaun Wilson

Description: forthcoming

Publisher:  Amsterdam University Press

Title: Place and Illness: Plagues, Pandemics, and Restrictions

Author: Shaun Wilson

Description: forthcoming

Publisher:  Palgrave Macmillan

Title: The Gothic Memorium

Author: Shaun Wilson

Publisher: Windsor Bentley Press

ISBN: 9780987375308

Description: The dark and satirical adventures of Dor the serial killer frog and Rod as they journey through Pepperwood and the chaos beyond.


Wilson, S (2009). ‘Remixing Memory in Digital Media’, in Save As... Digital Memory, Jo Garde-Hansen (ed.), Palgrave McMillan, London ISBN 978-0-230-23941-8



Wilson, S (2023) 'Magic and Metamodernism', Piatti-Farnell, L, Nairn, A (eds.), MC Journal, Vol.24, No.5. ISSN: 1441-2616


Wilson, S (2023) 'Punching Nazis: deconstructing fascist villains in fantastic screen culture from zombies to outer space', Screen Thought Journal, Vol.6, ISSN 2206-6225


Wilson, S '(in press) 'Plague, allegory, and metamodernism as contemporary studio practice in 'The Black Period', International Journal of Practice-Based Humanities, Vol.6 ISSN 2207-3086


Wilson, S (2022) 'The Affordances of Digital Aesthetics', Digital Combines, exhibition essay, Box Gallery, Melbourne

Wilson, S '(2022) 'Plague, allegory, and metamodernism as contemporary studio practice in 'Placing the Decameron', International Journal of Contemporary Humanities, Vol 6 ISSN 2207-2837


Wilson, S (2022) 'Situating Conceptuality in Non-Fungible Token Art', MC Journal, Vol.25, No.2, ISSN: 1441-2616

Wilson, S (2021) 'Creative Practice through Teleconferencing in the Era of COVID-19', MC Journal, Vol.24, No.3, ISSN: 1441-2616

Wilson, S (2021) 'Fear Mapping Place and the Art of Contagion in Wither They Say', International Journal of Practice-Based Humanities, Vol.4 ISSN 2207-3086,


Wilson, S (2021) 'Reconsidering Place in Honda's Kaiju Eiga 1961-1969', Screen Thought Journal, Vol.5, No.1, ISSN 2206-6225

Wilson, S. (2020) 'The Good, the Bad, and the Grumpy: Online Cat Pictures as Design Enigma in Digital Media', Screen Thought Journal, Vol.4, ISSN 2206-6225

Wilson, S. (2020) 'Representing Climate Activism through Digital Media before and during COVID-19', International Journal of Contemporary Humanities, Vol.4, No. 1, ISSN 2207-2837

Wilson. S (2019) 'Bullshit Bingo: Designing a response to climate change denialism in critical studio practice', International Journal of Practice Based Humanities, Vol. 3, No, 1 ISSN 2207-3086

Wilson, S (2019) 'The Long Take as a Metamodernist Framework in the Age of Perpetual Distraction', Screen Thought Journal, Vol.3, No.1, ISSN 2206-6225

Wilson, S (2018) 'On Digital Otherness: Being 'of Art' in the Age of the Internet, International Journal of Contemporary Humanities, Vol.3, No.1 ISSN 2207-2837

Wilson, S (2017) 'Towards the Simulation of Sensor Networks [Authenticity and Untruthful Practice]', International Journal of Contemporary Humanities, Vol.2, No.1 ISSN 2207-2837


Wilson, S (2017) 'Scaling Home in Critical Studio Practice', International Journal of Practice Based Humanities, Vol. 2, No, 1 ISSN: 2207-3086

Wilson, S (2017) 'Designing Meta-Immersion for Cinematic Narrative', Screen Thought Journal, Vol.2, No.1 ISSN 2206-6225

Wilson, S (2017) 'Modelling Meta-Inclusion for Cinematic Narrative', Screen Thought Journal, Vol.2, No.1 ISSN 2206-6225

Wilson, S (2016) 'Building a Memory Palace from the Ars Memoria Tradition through Video Installation', International Journal of Practice Based Humanities, Vol. 1, No, 1 ISSN: 2207-3086

Wilson, S (2016) 'What is Post-neomodernism? Absolute, Multiplicity, Post-Truth, Disruption, International Journal of Contemporary Humanities, Vol.1, No.1 ISSN 2207-2837

Wilson, S (2016) 'Alternative Characterisation Strategies in Contemporary Mainstream Zombie Cinema', Screen Thought Journal, Vol.1, No. 1, SSN 2206-6225

Wilson, S (2015) 'Slow Motion as a Condition for the Moving Image', Evers, C, Berry, M, Wilson , S (Eds.) Altitude Journal, University of Nottingham Nigbo, China ISSN 14444-1160 

Wilson, S (2011) 'Remixing Memory in Home Movies’, in Screen Memories, Teressa Forde (ed), Image and Narrative Journal, Open Humanities Press, Issue 11 ISSN 1780-678X

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